‘A Night At The Nordic House (with the Symphony Orchestra of the Faroe Islands)’, by Tyr
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“Gates Of Hel,” is discordant, guttural and purely primal, a phenomenal break into the psyche of time. Setting the scene for what is to come.
“Sunset Shore,” slams down and turns through, bringing some intriguing turns and twists before the foreground.
“Blood of Heroes,” snarls and bites. A song that gets the energy flowing freely, turning and twisting as the rupture increases within.
“Hold The Heathen Hammer High,” snarls and turns. A song that brings out melody and charm in full force, the guitars interchanging with one another flawlessly.
“Trondur i Gotu,” gets the listener immediately. Chorus arrangements and gang-chants set the scene and the song progresses from there into something epic.
“Turio Torkilsdottir,” soars and burns with passion. A song that weaves the energy of time together for all old of time.
“Fire and Flame,” snarls and bites, turning the twisting screws, a soaring anthem for all time.
“By The Sword In My Hand,” hits differently bringing things to a fitting climax of time.
The album is out on 18th March via Metal Blade Records.