“Sons Of Zebedee,” is a rocker, with that thumping riff, and a delivering vocal line that really gets the listener going. “Giants Fall,” another rocker that brings about some interesting dynamics and flits through. “Everbright,” another swamp rocker. “Silence The Sirens,” delivers a girth and a magical powerful structure. “Son Of A Prodigal Son,” is bluesy and dark, and light at the same time, really masking the cadence. “Lights Up The River,” is one another level, completely changing the face of things.
“Let Us Be One,” another rocker that paints a thousand images. “All Good Things,” delivers a roar and a half. “Rose of Jericho,” is an interesting rocker, with a snake eyes riff, that flows beautifully. “Vertigo,” another song that delivers crunch and power, a real rocker and barnstormer. “Bastards Of Beale,” is story telling at its finest, with some intricate melodies being woven into one and all.