“The Sweet Whore of Babylon,” is a fuzzy concoction of riffs and destructive melodies. It has echoes of Jethro Tull, thrown together with the heavy side of Black Sabbath. Turning through the fissures in the mind before unleashing sweet sweet chaos for the whole world to see. “Insatiable King,” rolls like thunder, turning around and twisting itself into a snake and a carpet. It does not allow for anything to grow unless it allows it. It shimmers and shakes, and the listener is left demanding more. “Eastern Magic,” has the thunderous propensity within it. It takes a turn and shifts into a light so dark that it cannot bring itself from without.
“Occult,” shimmers along, the distorted echoes of its mind bringing clarity to greater purpose. “Black Woods,” finishes things off nicely. Turning it all around and then destroying the world throughout the sonic overdrive.
The album is out on 8th November via Napalm Records.