Acadence starts with some solid drumming, a military beat hammered out, as the guitars kick in, adding that extra sense that there is something deeply heavy about to kick off. The song moves into slow groove and doom inspired sludge, bringing something seriously heavy to the listener’s ear. Revenge has slow bass lines, and thundering guitars, driving the song is a deep sense of rage and anger. Where’s God Now, starts with a bass lick, that brings some sense of movement and energy to the song, as the guitars kick in with a slow thudding rhythm, bringing even more sense of darkness to the song. Morning Star is slow, haunting, echoing throughout and bringing something truly dark to the fore.
Lies is distorted chaos, mixed in with some snarling vocals and a rhythm section that is utterly perfect. How The Gods Kill is a perfect rendition of the Danzig classic, haunting, dark and pure brutality mixed into one healthy dose of metal. Consume dances and shifts, the riffs are quite terrifying and hypnotic, and the rhythms provide the perfect back drop for chaos, finishing off with a flourish.
The album is out on 6th July via Rockshot Records.