Prisoner Of The Past opens up the new album by Cauldron, delivering a seismic wallop, the guitar riffs are catchy and head bang worthy, the melodies are ferocious, and this is a song that is sure to go down a treat when performed live. Letting Go is slower, darker, broodier and all round just more doom than Prisoner, it contains some seriously heavy riffs, and the vocals snarl with extra bite. No Longer is another monster of a song, bringing a brilliant catch with ferocious hooks and slammerific riffs. Save The Truth-Syracuse is an interesting song, mixing dark hooks and riffs, with slanting melodies and variations on the themes. Never Be Found comes roaring out the gate, the riffs are grooving, the vocals are on point and over all everything sounds as if it is down to pat.
Drown comes in with the riffs leading the way, sheer epicness, and grit throughout, with the riffs dancing down the listener’s ear, enrapturing them with the promises of more to come, the vocals paint a bleak picture, with the melodies dark and gloomy. Together As None is filled with edge and harmony, but also a dark sense of parody of songs of the past. Isolation is dark, foreboding, and most definitely a song that has to be played live, filled with the same qualities as Metallica and Maiden songs, a sheer gem. Last Request kicks things up a notch as a closer, and delivers plenty to be happy about.
This is a stellar album and one that the band can be proud of. The album is out on 7th September via Dissonance Productions.