‘Blitzkrieg,’ by Blitzkrieg


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


Blitzkrieg, the heavy metal legends with a new self-titled album that packs an absolute punch.

“You Won’t Take Me Alive,” is a thunderous opener, a song that shimmers and shifts through the ever-glowing range of time. It brings elements of every era to the fore and dances through the snakestream.

“Dragon’s Eye,” brings the heaviness, turning the focus through the growing gripe. It tears into the foreground and brings the burning element to bear on the chaotic nature of the world.

“Vertigo,” soars and gallops to the beat of the charge, thundering through the abyss and the tide.

“I Am His Voice,” batters the doors down and brutalises the listener into compliance with a galloping central fusion of space.

“On Olympus High-Aphrodite’s Kiss,” is epicness personified. The old myths are brought to life, the daring-do is made real. The band are on fire throughout, a song that truly captures and captivates the audience throughout.

This phenomenal album is out on September 6th via Mighty Music