‘Testify X’ by Big City


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“The Rush,” starts things off. It takes some time to build the atmosphere, and when it really gets going it lets loose. Slamming through the turnstile and hitting its stride with a shuttle and a shuffle.

“Testify,” slowly moves through, bringing some serious groove and charm to proceedings. A song that hints at something and delivers more than expected. A song that truly hits the right note.

“Running Away,” slowly works through the catacombs, slithering through and hinting at chaos. A fantastic song.

“Winds Of The Road,” is a ripper. Truly authentic and grooving. A song that slams down hard, and hits with grace and power.

“Graveyard Love,” is a battering ram. A real metal anthem.

“How Dark Does It Get?” finishes things off with a flurry and a smash.

The album is out on 16th July.