“Riders of the Dragons,” is emphatic and bold, a defiant opening number and statement. “The Hunter,” clears the way and delivers something powerful and bold to the listener. “Sinnersworld,” is a rocker and emphatic throughout. “Stormbringers,” veers this way and that, a loud mouthed rocker. “Black Night,” slows things down and adds a touch of thoughtfulness to proceedings.
“The Path Of The Warrior,” is clear and concise, a lesson in the rocker’s mould. It ventures into powerful operatic sections that deliver a less in grace and power. “Fight For Your Life,” is the ultimate battle song. Filled with a trampling rhythm and something really brilliant. “Mighty Pirates,” a song that produces deliverance and rage all in one. “Dying Bird of Prey,” stalks the land and ensures nothing more can be produced but rage and awe. “Valhalla, I’m Coming,” is the ultimate tribute song to the warrior’s way.