‘Alps On Fire’ by Wallop
Mikk Wega / Vocals
Andy Lorz / Guitar
Stefan Fleischer / Bass
Stefan Arnold / Drums
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
Running Wild
Missing In Action
Lack Of Power
Metallic Alps
Reveal The Lies
Stealthy World
Idols Die Too
Fun For The Nun
Crash, Bang, Wallop
Wall Of Sound
Alps On Fire, the new album from seminal metal band Wallop sparkles with energy and chaos.
“Running Wild,” delivers some interesting melodies and the riffs are on point throughout. This is most certainly a fascinating intro to the album.
“Missing In Action,” is a classic rocker, a song that flies with energy and twists through melodies to bring about some fascinating little snarling monsters.
“Lack of Power,” goes in hard. It takes Alps on Fire to a whole new level, and smashes the ground into a little pulp. Slowly but surely it creates a frenetic atmosphere for all.
“Metallic Alps,” brings about an interesting shift. The vocals take the lead in this little groover and ensuring that it continues the passion of earlier songs.
“Reveal The Lies,” snarls and crackles through, slowly twisting the knife to ensure the listener knows just where and when to look.
“Monsters,” really gets going, producing something quite fantastical and ensuring that the world never quite creaks to a stop.
“Stealthy World,” is an interesting song. One that shows the depth and complexity at the heart of Alps on Fire, and ensures the listener is hooked.
“Idols Die Too,” pushes the limit and snarls through, ensuring the listener is hooked.
“69,” is reflective and darkened.
“Fun For The Nun,” pokes at the strands in the air, brimming with confidence and energy.
“Metallize,” slowly shifts and turns around, producing a snarling complexity.
“Crash, Bang, Wallop,” is frenetic and a turnstile.
“Wall of Sound,” slowly crackles on the way to domination.
The album is out on 24th April.