“A Lucid Omega,” kicks things off with a snarling distorted roar of energy. It moves with primal energy through the ground, shimmering and shaking off its level before crashing through into space. “Leftover Savages,” slowly builds in off the hardcore riff, it weaves a tale of great importance, before shifting into overdrive, and ensuring the listener knows just which way to turn and look. “Burnt At Both Ends,” a slow moving terracota snake that shimmers through the world into absolute oblivion. “Of Whip and Steed,” a fast moving chaos piece that delivers on a lot of things and ensures that the listener is hooked on the suffocating melodies.
“Temples Made of Bone,” slowly works its way into the listener’s conscience, it ensures that the listener knows just where it needs to look and where it needs to turn before absolute insanity is unleashed. “Learning From The Ashes,” starts off cleanly, working its way into a nice template, bringing about some fascinating edges and shifts. It then works its way into a monstrous bend and smash. “Crippled Chameleon,” has that funky bass riff down pat, it slowly works itself into a frenzy bringing the final edges down. “The Longest Winter,” is all action, and epic tendrils and monstrous proportions.
The album is out on September 13th via Off The Record.