‘Cosmic Healer’ by Velvet Viper
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“Sword Sister,” is the bombastic and frenetic opener for the new Velvet Viper album. It gallops and turns, pressing in from all sides and demanding the attention of the knife.
“Cosmic Healer,” slams hard. Pressing in from all sides and turning the screw from this way to that, smashing through the world.
“Voice Of An Anarchist,” rolls through the tumbling weeds of time and develops something pressing and precisent.
“Osiris,” hits the battlefield hard. Turning the screws through the bolt of lightning. Hammering through the darkened strap of time.
“Long Shadows,” hits a new level, turning through the forcefield of time and increasing the battlement.
“Darkness of Senses,” is a throttle finisher a brilliant song.
The album is out on 23rd April.