‘Anarchy and Unity’ by Vega


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“Beautiful Lie,” hits hard from the get go, immediately capturing the listener’s attention. The vocals are catchy and addictive, the melody weaves in and out, capturing attention before flitting things off.

“End Of The Fade,” growls and prowls. Shimmering on a knife’s edge, hinting at the whirlwind.

“Welcome To Wherever,” hints at the tidelines, a song that gradually changes its patterns, moving through the turnacat.

“Live For Me,” is bombastic and powerful, a song that turns through the great works of time and hints at the chaos of the wider world.

“Glow,” a riff monster that immediately makes the listener perk up.

“Had Enough,” shimmers and shifts. Turning the twisters through the magic potion of the whirlwind.

The album is out on 17th September.