“Cold December Night,” starts off immediately with a surging guitar riff. Stop and start it goes, before it shifts the way and turns through, making the listener’s head move with it. As it quickens the listener is treated to the vocals that weave the tale, and ensure everything is within and without. “The Phantoms,” is a haunting song, one that changes things up quite considerably. Bringing things toward one edge and then another, slowly showering the listener with something that would qualify as simply epic. “Three Ghosts,” is another one that fulfils the haunting criteria. It wails along simply shining in the light, and ensuring that melody and compatibility are prime concerns on this journey.
“Devil’s Poetry,” shines through, haunting the basic structures of the mind. A song that is sure to go down in the metal canon as one of the greatest, for the sheer variety it delivers. One moment you have softness, and then the hardness of the melodical punch is delivered with a smile and a wink. “Fall From The Skies,” starts off softly, with the piano working its way through a basic melody, but then the heaviness kicks in. Sharpening the edge, and digging through lines and lines of pace and time. “The Ghost Xperiment,” derives and shifts through the motions bringing together something that changes and chops along the way.
The album is out on 11th October via Frontiers Music.