
Shadow kicks things off, with the dark discordant riffs, before moving into absolute bedlam. Ritual is dark, booming and grooving, with a solid bass riff that keeps things very interesting. Preacher is heavy, dark and growling, with the vocals snarling their way to fruition. King is pure heaviness, the bass and guitars gel well off of one another. Terminal is fast and heavy, bringing the album to critical mass. Trickster is slower, more despondent but also frenetic. Underground dances through from side to side, swinging and swaying, and bringing heaviness.

Harbinger dances from heaviness, to discordant and back again, bringing some elements of pure chaos to the fore. Succubus is fast and furious, the guitars and drums add an element of insanity. Diehard is pure Motorhead but with extra bite. Wrath is punkish with flair and stamina that drives things to its critical point. Daggers is slower, more haunting and chaotic, with the big swells that one has come to expect. Title track Void is discordant, brimming with energy and darkness.

The album is out on 15th June via Inverse Records.