‘The Enigma Birth’ by Timo Tolkki’s Avalon
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“Enigma Birth,” starts things off and immediately hits the ground running. Bringing the listener into the world of time and delivering a sumptuous feast. It smashes through the whirlwind and delivers a powerful opening.
“Memories,” is haunting, turning at the twist and slowly delivering something intriguing. A push and a pull, through the turnstile, slowly haunting the edges of time. Some seriously good interplay between Caterina Nix and Brittney Slayes.
“A Beautiful Lie,” is a ripper. James LaBrie hits the ground running and the guitars play off that vocalisation perfectly, shifting through the touchstones and delivering a smash of inclusivity and that pushes things into overdrive.
“Another Day,” shimmers and shifts, wrapping the turnaround and developing a pressure point that delivers something around the coarse round. A song that hints at more to come.
“Dreaming,” pounds the ground relentlessly, hitting the strand and delivering something intimidating and intriguing at the same time.
“Time,” rolls in and rolls out, heavily leaning on the twist and shake. A song that brings more to the turn.
The album is out on 18th June via Frontiers Music.