The Raven Age are the face of the future of British Heavy Metal. They’ve toured with Iron Maiden, and their new album Conspiracy is out now and has set the scene on fire. Read on to see my interview with George Harris from the band:
I guess just being fans of other bands and having a love for writing music. It was and still is our favourite thing to do, so it all started off as a bit of fun that we took more and more seriously the deeper we got into it.
Dan and I were massively influenced by bands in the early 2000s nu Metal era like Linkin Park and then metalcore became a huge influence on me personally. I discovered bands like Bullet, Killswitch, Parkway and Trivium. They were the bands that made me want to pick up the guitar and learn their riffs everyday. I’m still a huge fan of all of these bands today.
4. You’ve got a song on the new record ‘Fleur de Lis’ which seems to have a historical context, was this a deliberate choice or something that happened naturally? And are there any more songs like that on the record?
Again it’s a natural thing, I’m general drawn towards big epic subjects like that when getting inspiration for lyrical content. There’s so much story to be told with a subject line Joan of Arc that it just sparks the imagination off and paints a thousand pictures as well as providing a bunch of historical facts.
Yes there’re quite a few historical based songs on the album like Scimitar which is about the crusades and Forgotten World which is based on an autobiography about Auschwitz. There’re also some more personal and modern subjects on the album, it’s good to have a blend so it doesn’t get too samey.
5. What were the big influences for the songwriting process on this record?
Having a passion for being a band and the drive to keep going. It’s not easy for a young band these days with so much good competition out there and touring is very expensive. But we’re all here because we love it. If the band fails then we’re not just going to put our instruments down, we’ll sill be jamming away and writing music for the rest of our lives, no doubt about it.
6. What plans do you have for the future?
The main goal is to make this work for everyone so we can keep the band our main focus and job ideally. That means a hell of a lot of work basically. Keep touring, writing music and keeping the passion for it. As long as that’s still there then we’re happy!