‘Supreme Hypocrisy’ by The Order


  • Gianni Pontillo / Vocals

  • Mauro Tschibu Casciero / Drums

  • Bruno Spring / Guitar

  • Andrej Abplanalp / Bass


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition



  • The Show

  • Supreme Hypocrisy

  • Back To Reality

  • Dreams Are Not The Same

  • Save Yourself

  • No Messiah

  • August In Miami

  • Where I Come From

  • Sometimes

  • Only The Good Die Young

“The Show,” gallops into being and opens up this new album by The Order. A song that captures the spirit of rock and roll and metal in one fell swoop.

“Supreme Hypocrisy,” the title track unleashes absolute carnage on the listener. It tears things up and dances around, allowing The Order to institute their manifesto.

“Back To Reality,” is an anthem. A song that verges together and mixes out. Twisting the spires and bringing together interesting factitudes.

“Dreams Are Not The Same,” turns the ball pen into another marketable exercise. The Order deliver a song that both inspires and crushes.

“Save Yourself,” rolls in hard, turning the screws and bringing new life to the old.

“No Messiah,” gallops through into insanity. A song that delivers a serious punch to the gut.

“August In Miami,” turns and turns. When it crackles, it hits real good. A song that truly pops a punch.

“Where I Come From,” snarls and bites. A song that truly delivers the thunder.

“Sometimes,” slows things down, and brings together an interesting shift in perspective.

“Only The Good Die Young,” moves with power and energy, a song that is filled with a confusing energy that truly allows The Order to shine.

The album is out on 22nd May via Massacre Records