“A Demented Impresario,” is a big bombastic symphonic piece that veers this way and that, and delivers on some interesting promises. “Returns Again,” another bombastic number, this time it veers with grace and energy and continues to deliver a smackdown. “The Infamous,” slows things down considerably, and produces a marvel for the age, allowing the listener to truly digest everything that is happening. “Dark Skies,” another song that produces energy and grace through deliverance. “Finding Home,” ethereal whilst allowing the energy and active movement of the song to carry it through.
“This Is The End,” ventures one way and then another, continuing down the path and producing some very interesting and fascinating melodies. “Future I See,” continues to produce some entertaining lyrical patterns that bring the song into full fruition. “Hellbound,” snarls and veers this way and that, producing some sort of collection of rage. “From Below,” dangles this way. “Curtain Closes,” slows things down and enables a brief pause for reflection.
The album is out on April 26th.