1. What inspired the name of the band and what are your influences?
2. What themes were you looking to explore on the new record?
3. What do you think has changed about the music scene since you started?
The first thing that springs to mind is the digital revolution, with songs now being available at the click of a mouse button. When we started, you would still order a CD into the record shop cause you read you might like it, wait two weeks until it was in, and then go buy it hoping it was a good choice. That’s a million miles away from today of course. Bands have to be online now to get attention, making videos, getting on playlists. We are not on top of all that stuff at all… so I suspect we don’t get through to as many people as we might otherwise.
4. What plans do you have for the future?
Plans haha. We hope to play a few more shows, and I’m always writing tunes and hoping we have another album ahead of us. We are not a band set on world domination, there’s no massive marketing campaign and world tour to come… I hope to keep enjoying what we do, keep playing fun shows and keep a few people wanting to hear what we are all about.