Hailing from Switzerland, this Blackened death metal band have produced an album with a lot of punch.
Through Dark Gates begins with an acoustic melody and when the darkness kicks in, it grabs you by the throat and does not let go, a brilliant opening song. Circular Infinity is brutal, a journey through mathematics and all sorts of other crazy things. The Forge is reflective, brooding and met with equal darkness throughout. Nonexistence is epic, with duelling guitars, the growling vocals and the solid melodies that underpin it all. The Chasm of Eternity is as epic as the name suggests, weaving complex rhythm patterns and riffs, with subtle variations.
Lawless is a dance through time and the capabilities of the metal vocalist, and it is a journey. The Eclipsist is a journey through the melodious side of death metal, with clean guitars, sure fire rhythms and pounding drums and vocals enough to get the mosh pit going, that is for sure. Shattered Universe is a melodic dance through hell, the guitars duel, the vocals tell a dark and scary story. Children of the Obsidian Light moves through various themes, clean, dark, heavy, brooding and melancholic, all of which make it an epic closing track.
The album is out via Non Serviam Records on 25th May.