‘Cyberblade’ by Shadow Warrior


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“Cyberblade,” kicks off the album with an impressive array of shred and force. The vocals capture the listener’s attention in one fell swoop.

“Iron Hawk Rising,” rolls hard and hits the right notes. It turns through the catacombs and gets the blood pumping, an absolute ripper.

“Squadron of Steel,” channels the band’s inner Motorhead, an absolute snorter of a song that contains some serious riffage. The vocals capture a sense of urgency lacking in other music.

“Headless Riders,” roars down the boulevard, capturing something special and mixing it together in a potent cocktail of time.

“Flight Of The Steel Samurai,” hits a new note and delivers a song of epic proportions, finishing the album off in good spirits.

The album is out now.