‘A Fortress Called Home,’ by Seven Spires
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“Songs Upon Wine-Stained Tongues,” slaps hard. A song that shimmers through the direction of time, breathing into the magical moment of the whirlwind. A superb beginning.
“Impossible Tower,” turns through the moment, biting the groove and thundering into position.
“Architect Of Creation,” is haunting and ethereal, bringing the burning desire forward, hinting at the slamming down of time.
“Emerald Necklace,” delivers the guts, the shimmering of passion and the crisis of the human mind.
“No Place For Us,” turns the moment and the movement, hitting the sauntering portion of the world.
“The Old Hurt Of Being Left Behind,” gets the listener moving and grooving. A fitting finale.
The album is out on 21st June via Frontiers Music.