‘Return Of The Barbie-Q-Killers’ by Sator
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“Get Out Of My Way,” thunders through like a rocket on a crash course to denial.
“Brown Eyed Son,” turns a tempestous wind forward, cascading into the being of time.
“Out of Time,” runs the guns, hitting the silent dawn.
“Hall,” rummages through a barrel of time and chaos.
“Do The Fast,” barrels through.
“You Don’t Seem Real,” crescends through and leverages something deep and primal.
“Vicious Circle,” turns through the forward momentum.
“I’m bored,” slams.
“Go Away Girl,” runs the gamut and turns the crescendo forward.
“Dog Eat World,” hits hard.
“Supply and Demand,” is rambunctious.
“Slam,” slams.
The album is out on 29th July via Wild Kingdom