“Bad Time To Dream,” comes in with a thumping bass riff before the drums mix into being thudding this way and that. The guitars add a slight refrain to things mixing the possibilities up and ensuring the listener is led on a nice little trip. “A Lapse In Space And Time,” is definitively haunting and ethereal, ensuring the listener is hooked on melodies throughout. “Lost In The Sky,” is something else entirely, a shifting, twisting wind of emotions, bringing out everything within the listener.
“Mundo Muerto,” twists with a sonic screwdriver, slowly weaving its way in and out of focus. The acoustic melodies shape things down with a tide and a pause, bringing things to a climax. “Hypnotised,” takes things in an unique direction, slowly bringing things from one place to another, and showing the listener just how to manipulate the settings. “Closer To Utopia,” is a masterpiece there is no other way to describe it. It shifts and turns with the wind, bringing about simple melodies and harmonies and allowing them to build on one another.