‘Defiance,’ by Praying Mantis
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“From The Start,” gets the ball rolling, a song that is filled with intrigue and cascading melodies. Turning the tide and burying the lede. A fantastic opener.
“Feelin’ Lucky,” edges through the counterfeit, the damage and the borrowing, it gets the scene moving, biting hard and fast.
“Forever In My Heart,” brings the bite, the charm and the edge. A song that livens the pace and the pulse.
“One Heart,” moves with elemental precision, turning the tide and bringing the creative space forward.
“Nightswim,” shimmers through the deep and the dark, delving within the movements of time.
“Let’s See,” is a fantastic finisher. A song that gets the ball rolling and divests the edge of time.
The album is out on 19th April via Frontiers Music.