“Nightmare,” begins things off with a haunting wind chime. The acoustic guitars and drums soon begin rivalling one another for dominance. “When Night Falls,” snarls and growls its way through the darkened abyss. “False Puritan Philosophies,” is next, with a barrelling movement and a riff that shocks the core of the listener. “Lust, Sacrilege and Blood,” takes things to an entirely new level, with brutality completely off the charts and something dark and sinister lurking within. “Nocturnal Desire,” takes things this way and that with a battering ram to the face. “Unholy Dimension,” slowly shifts the wind, ensuring the listener is hooked on the jangled melodies.

“Lucy’s Curse,” a haunting and terrifying image that combines the elements of hell within. “Diabolical Witchcraft,” snakes its way in, promising nothing but hell and retribution. “Into The Sabbath,” makes things haywire with chaotic riffage and shrieking vocals. “Elizabeth Needs Blood,” destroy remnants of society and sanity together in one vial urge. “Demons of the Night,” screams its way into perfection.

The album is out on 14th June via High Roller Records.