The Median Man sat down with Mossie earlier this week, to talk music and songwriting.

The Median Man sat down with Mossie earlier this week, to talk music and songwriting.
What inspired the name of the band? What are your influences?
So our band ‘Mossie’ pronounced as ‘S’ rather than ‘Z’. Is taken from a World War 2 Plane. De Harviland Mosquito. We decide on that as a fitting tribute to all the fallen of the world at those times. Our influences in terms of music writing can be many, in terms of bands there are so many good bands around that write good music, old and new, we obviously do take influence from musicians past and present but try to write our own style of music. Real life is an influence when song writing, we want to write things that the everyday people can relate to.
How do you approach songwriting? Are there any themes that you are keen to explore when you start off?
Songwriting is done one of two ways usually. We either have some lyrics that we like and try to write around them, matching the type of song to what were trying to say. Or we would come up with a cool melody, or riff and try to write to the song. If we catch on something we like we then experiment around it and see if it can work. Songs develop over time usually. A song can be about anything you like – that’s the beauty of it! Anything at all that’s on your mind that day!
How do you approach songwriting? Are there any themes that you are keen to explore when you start off?
Songwriting is done one of two ways usually. We either have some lyrics that we like and try to write around them, matching the type of song to what were trying to say. Or we would come up with a cool melody, or riff and try to write to the song. If we catch on something we like we then experiment around it and see if it can work. Songs develop over time usually. A song can be about anything you like – that’s the beauty of it! Anything at all that’s on your mind that day!
Why do you write the sort of music that you do?
We want to get a message across in just about all songs there is an underlying message, whatever it may be, some story like others more blunt. We want an element of Rock n Roll to run through our music but also to write good words not just good sounds. Ultimately though the reason is to be heard.
How do you decide what songs to perform live and how do you transpose them into that live setting?
We always write songs that we can play live, Lead Guitarist Adam Monroe is keen on that. We can play around with effects and different instruments, you can have a whole orchestra in there if you like, if you can’t transpose that into a live performance though, something gets lost, so we always aim to write a song we can perform exactly the same in a live environment, and we love playing live the most!
How do you decide what songs to perform live and how do you transpose them into that live setting?
We always write songs that we can play live, Lead Guitarist Adam Monroe is keen on that. We can play around with effects and different instruments, you can have a whole orchestra in there if you like, if you can’t transpose that into a live performance though, something gets lost, so we always aim to write a song we can perform exactly the same in a live environment, and we love playing live the most!
What plans do you have for the future?
We have an EP due for release this summer following the release of a single. We are always working hard writing new music and that’s not going to stop. Gotta keep the ball rollin’. We’ve got big plans, to work with some big names and we will be going on tour this summer too, check out our updates on social media, Instagram and Facebook. Cheers! Peace!