Finland’s own legendary Midnight Bullet return with their new album Into The Fire, an album stacked to the decks with classic heavy metal riffs and melodies.
“Ain’t Dead Yet,” starts off with feedback. It then moves very quickly into a beastly riff that packs a serious punch. There’s also the vocals which scream and scorch through. “Into The Fire,” moves and grooves, as the title track it lends itself quite nicely to promising metal grooves and power. “Rise,” thunders down the pathway. The riffs are completely on fire, shifting and changing with the wind. “Over The Edge,” continues the shifting and changing landscape of things, with a brutal riff and a catchy melody to boot. “One Man War,” gallops and is sure to create a mosh pit when unleashed on the world. “Second Chances,” very heavy and very groovy. “No Turning Back,” starts off with a clean intro melody, repeated several times, as the vocals come in, hauntingly beautiful. Gradually the song gets heavier, shifting and turning with brutality.
“Break Me First,” continues down the path, shifting and changing, bringing with it, some fascinating growth and riffage. “Quiet Whisper,” moves with speed and grace, slowly changing the powerdrive. The acoustic guitar with the haunting vocal melody is well executed. “Morning Star,” beats a well trodden path and slowly snarls and bristles. “Leavings,” is haunting simply put. “One by One,” riffs and rages finishing off the album in style.
The record is out on 3rd May via Inverse Records.