‘Expedition One,’ by Metalite


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“Expedition One,” sets the anthemic beat going strong from the beginning. A song that shifts through the growing chasm, biting the production forward and fireword.

“CtrlAltDel,” is bombastic and thrashy. A song that moves with the wind, hitting the stranding lines of time and place.

“Blazing Skies,” a song that hits the might turns through the chasm, a song that leavens the great beyond. Hinting at the darkening of the sun and the summation of all time.

“New Generation,” bites the fantastical element. Shivering and shifting to the beat of chaos.

“Disciples Of The Stars,” hits the contemplative framework, before moving to growing edge of mankind.

“Legendary,” shimmers on the edge of reality before hitting the concourse at full speed.

“Sanctum Of Light,” burnishes the credentials of a purpose and a place. A song that creates anthemic movement.

“Take My Hand,” ruminates and ruinates. A song that is bombastic and powerful.

The album is out on 19th January via AFM Records.