
“Far From The Sanctuary,” comes in with the synths, and twisting and changes. Producing some fascinating little melodies, the guitars work in tandem to really drive home the point. The vocals are impressive, driving up and then coming smashing down. “Apocalypse,” twists and turns, producing something quite fascinating. A change here, and a smash there, roaring through the groundworks. “Biomechanicals,” swishes and filters through. The melodies are piercing and the range is quite prescient, really letting rip. “Warrior,” growls through, showing off where to go and where to turn. A real anthemic song. “Mind of A Monster,” comes in with that barrel, and gives it hard and fast. Never letting up and shifting the change, quite nicely done. “World On Fire,” growls through, smacking the dawn, shifting and changing completely, producing something quite interesting and well rewarded.

“Eye Of The Storm,” produces something fascinating. A shifting, ever changing, growling movement that allows the listener to fully immerse themselves within the rhetoric and produce a great song. “Breakaway,” moves, shimmering through the lines, slowly it grows and changes, shimmering into the light, and then smashing through the doors. “Social Butterflies,” a song that wins this way and that. A song that perfectly shows off where things are going and why there might be a need for change. “Rise of the Phoenix,” growls and pounds a way into the being of man. Ensuring it is imbued within the listener’s consciousness. “Victory Or Death,” smashes through everything, galloping through, and bringing the warrior spirit to the world. What a way to close out a fascinating album.

The album is out on October 25th via AFM Records.