‘Drama,’ by Marty Friedman


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


Marty Friedman journeys into the unknown on new album Drama.

“Illumination,” kicks things off with a soulful melody accompanied by piano backing. It shifts through the elements, bringing a tempest and a storm together to form something intriguing and heart-warming.

“Triumph,” brings the soul to life, hitting the strands of time, delivering a forceful counterpoint to the whirlwind of time.

“Deep End,” brings the shimmering soul to light, hinting at the seismic quantities to bring forth the world as we know it.

“Mirage,” is experimental, shifting the tone and the tenor. Delivering the increasing sense of tempest and memory.

“Acapella,” brings the burning light forward, shifting the turning screw of time.

“Icicles,” hits the running ground.

The album is out on 17th May via Frontiers Music.