‘King Of The Badlands’ by Manic Sinners


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“Drifters Union,” is a rocker. Immediately, it grabs the listener by the balls and never lets  go. A song that shimmers, shakes and grooves hardcore.

“Anastasia,” turns and twists, shimmering into the grooving light of time and space. A continuum that belies the senses.

“Under The Gun,” snaps down hard. A song that creaks through the tempest and delivers something otherworldly.

“Carousel,” turns and twists, shimmering into the night sky with a defining light that grooves and snakes through.

“Play To Lose,” turns the tide. A song that hits at the strand of growing grooviness.

“A Million Miles,” is anthemic, turning the tide in the best way possible.

The album is out on 18th February via Frontiers Music.