“Disowned,” comes in with dark and surreal melodies on the guitar. There is a sense that doom and gloom are the name of the game, though the band does well to ensure that this does not get too oppressive. The vocals are haunting and terrifying in equal measure. “Truth Bringer,” is fierce and aggressive. The riffs are snarling and chaotic. Bringing an edge to the vocals which soar above the rest with some true power. “Enough,” is slow, grooving and bluesy orientated with some serious edges. “Get Over It,” is slow, haunting and dark, filled to the brim with power and anger.
“Womb To Tomb,” is filled with slow, sludge influenced riffs, dark and divine, and filled with power and grit. “Growing Old,” is pure Sabbath. The riffs trudge along with grace and might, the vocals weave a haunting image around themselves. “ReMarquezable,” drives itself forward with power, might and an interesting divergence of melodies. “Extra 1104, the finishing number is an epic journey through the solar system.
The record is out on 14th December.