“Witchwood,” begins with the traditional folkish melodies soothing themselves into the listener’s ear. It then picks up with the drums and the guitars, twisting and turning before the listener’s jaw hits the floor when the vocals kick in. “Bloodhunt,” is a defiant call to arms, with a sweeping melody and a charging rhythm section. “Misfortune,” takes a twist and a turn. It growls and snarls, whilst also bringing some melodical elements to the fore. “Torment,” jangles and grooves. It brings about one of the more fascinating aspects of folk metal, the jangling darkness. “Heresy,” is purely epic, shifting and turning with the wind and producing something fascinating.

“Inquisition,” shifts, bringing a sharp bite to the fore, before diving deep into worlds of wind and pain. “J.A.W.S,” produces something jangled and muddied, but with added edge, therefore ensuring that the listener is filled with aggression. “Nightfall,” leads with the wind melodies before turning into a turbo charged crowd raiser. “Rebirth.” a chorus leads the day, before it turns into an angry metallica thrash.

The album is out on 10th May via Volcano Records.