Guardian Demon is heavy, big and grooving, mixing a classic riff with some heavy ass vocal ranges, and something that is sure to get people moving when played live. Death Is But An Extreme Form of Narcosis is a mix of heaviness and subtlety, or as much subtlety as can be gained from a sledgehammer to the face. Doom Shall Rise is a fat ass song, with a huge riff, and some extreme vocal melodies, something that makes this song epic.
Cult Of The Cloven Hoof grooves and dances through the mixture of big riffs and subtle vocal melodies, a dance and a jig and a story all in one. Come My Disciples is big, heavy and slower paced than other songs on the record, though that does not change anything but make it more epic. As In A Nightmare is slower, but quicker at turns, a real knock out.
The album is out on 22nd June via Cruz Del Sur Music.