“I Welcome The Horror,” is ambient, dark and disturbing, filled with a brutal energy and grit that you would be hard pressed to find elsewhere. “Sing For Me Sinner,” moves up and down the fretboard with ease, and ensures that the listener is once more hooked. “Where Here Is I Know Not,” brutally pushes through and ensures that the listener is forced to move with growing pain and tenacity. “These Are Godless Times,” slows things down and ensures the listener is forced to think.
“Death’s Very Emissary,” is brutal, with frenetic riffs, and searing deliveries on the vocals. “The Loss and the Rapture,” slows things down, bringing some thoughtfulness to the chaos and the wind. “Damnation Be My Guide,” a growing evil and cancerous cell within the story as told through brutal vocals. “Once a Slave,” a monstrous raging machine.
The album is out on November 22nd via Sliptrick Records.