“Beating The Odds,” is an absolute corker of a song, soaring into action with precision and grit. Flying in the face of commonly accepted norms, the riffs are on fire. “Born To Fly.” shimmers and singles, it’s an absolute rocker. “Old Dog New Tricks,” a brilliant song with a cracking riff, and some really grooving melodies. “The Way That You Move Me,” standard seventies rock and roll, with a modern twist, beautiful. “Brokenhearted Daydream,” another song that pushes the envelope and ensures the listener is hooked from the get. “Inspiration From Desperation,” is another rock and roll fantasy.
“All Over Again,” a flight dream of rock and roll and powerful motives. “She,” a classic rocker with the AC/DC hallmarks written all over it, beautiful. “A Little Bit Easy,” another growler and rocker perfection. “Every Time I Go,” a slower number that slowly builds into a madness. “Smoky Ebony,” another powerful performance, filled with grit and determination. “Party Time,” sears into being.
The album is out now via Frontiers Music.