‘The Other Side Of The World’ by James Stevenson
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“Baby Come On,” is an absolute corker of a song. It lets rip and shreds through the catacombs of time, slithering through and unleashing some subtle turns.
“When You’re Feeling Sad and Lonely,” turns and shifts, shimmering on the point edge, twisting to the delight of the audience.
“I’m Getting Over You Now,” is slow moving, bluesy, a twitch in the start. A shimmering delight for the world of the gnome.
“In The Nighttime,” turns the gamut. Running through the whirlpool of the edge. A song that really captures the ghost.
“Point It To Your Head,” slithers and shakes. Rummaging through the capricorn.
“Just Like I Do,” hints and twists, slithering through and delving into twine.
The album is out on 9th July.