What inspired the name of the band? What are your influences and are they the same as when you started out?

The band name CHUCK NORRIS EXPERIMENT is often believed to have been taken after the karate dude Chuck Norris. But as all true believers and lovers of Rock’n’roll know, the band name is a tribute to the legendary American blues guitarist Charles “Chuck” Norris, who recorded the classic live album “Los Angeles Flash” in our hometown Gothenburg on June 25, 1980.

How do you approach songwriting?

Lyrics wise, we don’t do deep meaning lyrics. We do cool lyrics that fit the music. This way we make sure we don’t end up with 14-year-old girls crying at our concerts.

Instead, we put our effort into the music making. It is our singer, Chuck Ransom, who is the most creative in the band and often comes to our rehearsals with ideas for songs. Then we try it out, jam it and then we record it. Most times it’s a complete song from start to finish.

Perhaps we don’t dig it right away and/or feel we can use it in another way, we always store our rehearsal recordings in a Dropbox folder. From there we can listen to all we have recorded and perhaps get an idea for another arrangement, or we take out apart from one song and add it to another one.


How do you approach songwriting?

Lyrics wise, we don’t do deep meaning lyrics. We do cool lyrics that fit the music. This way we make sure we don’t end up with 14-year-old girls crying at our concerts.

Instead, we put our effort into the music making. It is our singer, Chuck Ransom, who is the most creative in the band and often comes to our rehearsals with ideas for songs. Then we try it out, jam it and then we record it. Most times it’s a complete song from start to finish.

Perhaps we don’t dig it right away and/or feel we can use it in another way, we always store our rehearsal recordings in a Dropbox folder. From there we can listen to all we have recorded and perhaps get an idea for another arrangement, or we take out apart from one song and add it to another one.



Because we love what we do and in our minds we’re bigger and better than Taylor Swift. We just haven’t bought our two private jets yet.


We tend to play songs from our latest album and all the good songs from our vast musical catalogue. Then we rehearse it and try to see if the songs are in a good order or if we should change the order or replace songs.


We tend to play songs from our latest album and all the good songs from our vast musical catalogue. Then we rehearse it and try to see if the songs are in a good order or if we should change the order or replace songs.

What plans do you have for the future?

We have a brand spanking new record coming out “20” it’s called, as we celebrate 20 years as a band. It’s released on June 27th and the pre-orders are open. Just look us up on social media if you’re interested in ordering a record.

Other than that, we’re working on a Spain tour this fall.


Thank you for this nice chat and take care!!

/Chuck Dakota

e-mail: chuck@chucknorrisexperiment.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/chucknorrisexperiment
Instagram: www.instagram.com/chucknorrisexperiment
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@chucknorrisexperiment
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2HQMxIoCLgkUbW66GuVX1m?si=rMnRXiJYTcaNIP6WJA-UdQ
Threads: www.threads.net/@chucknorrisexperiment
Bandcamp: https://chucknorrisexperiment.bandcamp.com