What inspired the name of the band? What are your influences and are they the same as when you started out?

Sorrow Enthroned is the idea that the world is inherently full of pain and suffering, even though we try to run from it, death and pain are the only guaranteed truths of our existence and so maybe they should be worshipped instead of shunned. I first started the band in 2019 and my mental health was way worse back then. I was listening to a lot of black metal and so the first releases were black metal inspired drawing from bands like dissection, gorgoroth, dark funeral etc. lately the sound has changed and the upcoming release is mostly old school death metal influenced by morbid angel, cannibal corpse, mortician suffocation, and some brutal death metal like devourment and defeated sanity

How do you approach songwriting and why?

I find I have to be in a positive mindset when writing, its very hard for me to write music when im depressed or angry as I have no inspiration to do anything but die. Ill use that pain at a later time but I feel more creative after I injest mind altering substances , meditate, and/or perform ceremonial magick. Half the time though, inspiration comes naturally and sometimes ill have to rush to my guitar to record a riff I hear in my head and the music builds off that. Its all guitar driven so that’s the main focus for me. 

My life sucks and everyone you love dies so sometimes it makes you want to beat someone to death with a baseball bat who was dealt a better hand in life. For now writing death metal riffs will do.

How do you approach songwriting and why?

I find I have to be in a positive mindset when writing, its very hard for me to write music when im depressed or angry as I have no inspiration to do anything but die. Ill use that pain at a later time but I feel more creative after I injest mind altering substances , meditate, and/or perform ceremonial magick. Half the time though, inspiration comes naturally and sometimes ill have to rush to my guitar to record a riff I hear in my head and the music builds off that. Its all guitar driven so that’s the main focus for me. 

My life sucks and everyone you love dies so sometimes it makes you want to beat someone to death with a baseball bat who was dealt a better hand in life. For now writing death metal riffs will do.

How do you decide what to play live?

I don’t play live shows, its only me but if I did I would gravitate more towards the heavier rhythm driven songs. Whenever I attend shows songs that have those big climaxes whether it’s a breakdown, slam riff, blast beat section always gets people excited and you can feel it in your soul. Theres some people who favor technicality which I understand and appreciate but as of now im going through a period where I enjoy heavy caveman riffs.

How do you decide what to play live?

I don’t play live shows, its only me but if I did I would gravitate more towards the heavier rhythm driven songs. Whenever I attend shows songs that have those big climaxes whether it’s a breakdown, slam riff, blast beat section always gets people excited and you can feel it in your soul. Theres some people who favor technicality which I understand and appreciate but as of now im going through a period where I enjoy heavy caveman riffs.

What plans do you have for the future?

Im going to start a new musical project in the next year, strictly slam to explore that sound. Also Illicit Infantile Surgical Procedures, the new full length will be released 7/18/23. thanks for reading