‘Epic Tales and Untold Stories’ by Human Fortress
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
Human Fortress venture back out into the world with a brand new album filled with previously unreleased songs and some of the band’s greatest hits.
“The Grimoire,” starts things off, it slopes through, filled with groove and melody. It turns on a slight knife’s edge, brimming with a touchstone of epicness and a dash of power. As things progress, it cuts free of the chains and shows off just what it is about.
“Disappear In Dark Shadows,” is a rager, smashing down the doors of time to bring about something fascinating and intricate.
“Vain Endeavour,” lopes through the fields of time. A song that gets the heart beating quicker.
“Free,” switches up things, going for the sultry medieval ballad.
“Defenders of the Crown,” goes all in. A song that combines medieval elements with pristine power metal for the ages.
“The Chosen One,” hammers at the world, turning the screws into seismic proportions, burnishing its credentials with epic lines.
“Thieves Of The Night,” gallops on the wind, pursuing the touch of darkness and unleashing chaos for all.
“Thrice Blessed,” goes for broke, bringing swagger, groove and melody together in a lethal combination.
“Thunder,” is a great finisher.
The album is out on 22nd of January via Massacre Records.