‘Le Dernier Rempart’ by Herzel
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“Maitres de ‘océan,” is a ripper of a beginner. It flies through the tone and delivers something intriguing, pressing through the listener’s initial hesitancy and showing them that there is an epicness to be had.
“Le Dernier Rempart,” the title track of the record comes out all guns blazing, there’s a real sense of something surreal about this song. It merges classical influences with medieval feelings and brings in good old fashioned metal tones to bring the listener toward something new.
“L’épée des Dieux,” is that something new. A ripper of a song, it combines subtle twists and tones with a battering ram of a melody. A real go getter.
“L’Ultime Combat,” pushes through the wedges of time to deliver something intriguing and powerful.
The album is out on 19th March via Gates Of Hell Records.