Back after a long hiatus, Helvetets Port deliver a thundering reminder of why they are one of the best.

“Stan Brinner,” is a slow build. A thundering example of the chaos and twisting sharpness that can engulf everyone on the forge for days. “The Invincible,” brings some new melodies to the fore, before slowly shifting the wind this way and that, and showing off a new melodical side. “Roda Nejikan,” is slow and epic, a formulated pathway to destruction. “Ruled With An Iron Hand,” is a forged metal song that brings about the end of days in a twist and a smile. “Hard Mot De Harda,” snarls and bites with a twisting edge of thunder. “Man At Arms,” slaps the face and brings the heaviness to a new dimension. “White Diamond,” shifts the tone and brings a fascinating component to the fore.

“Hero Of An Age,” gallops on hardened wings of steel, twisting the make up just that extra bit. “Die To Stay Alive,” is slow and moribund, with an added edge of tyranny thrown in for good measure. “From Life TO Death,” develops the edge slightly, with a twisting and snarling menace. “Orion’s Balte,” is a slower more measured song that throws in some interesting dimensions and changes. “Castle Walls, City Gates,” gallops on the binding wind to twist and destroy the world. “Thunder Ace,” slowly moved and gallops into a maelstrom. “Night Of The Innocent,” gallops and thunders through.

The album is out on 23rd August via High Roller Records.