
“Warpath,” is a brutal opener, with a soaring powerful riff, snorting through the boundaries with head banging potential. “Mania,” slows things down, bringing the heaviness right to the fore, and adding edge and destruction to the fore. “On the Loose,” a song that slowly creeps through. “Born to Burn,” a slower number that adds grit and determination through instructive melodical arrangements. “Transcending Evil,” a powerful grit inducing power ranger.

“Lashing Out,” picks up the pace and turns into a raucous hell raiser, bringing thunder and might to the fore. “Isolator,” another song that grooves with pace and spit. “The Dreamer,” contains elements of edge and grit. “Knights of the Holy,” is Iron Maiden influenced down from the bass line to the melodies, a truly inspiring song that is sure to become a fan favourite. “Masochist,” dances along the track and brings with it some serious groove and grit.

The album is out on 29th March via Riding Easy.