‘Trinity of Evil’ by Giotopia


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“A New Saga,” haunts the surroundings, setting the scene and bringing together an intriguing mix of time and presence.

“Spawn of Abaddon,” hits hard. A song that carries itself well and refines the temperature for all and sundry. Pushing through and hitting the gamut.

“Trinity of Evil,” is slow moving, haunting and frankly terrifying. It prowls the stratosphere, shimmering in the darkness of time and bringing about fascinating possibilities.

“Princess of Ice,” shines forth with blinding melodies, and a tempestuous sunset. A song that rolls through and hard, turning the screws on the sunset of time and space.

“Strike While The Iron Is Hot,” burns with power and imagination. A song that grows through the turnaround, brimming with confidence and energy.

“Journey Into Deathrealm,” haunts the seems. It turns on the sharp edges of the world.

“For King and Country,” is a glorious finish. Simply fantastic.

The album is out on 16th April.