VREDESVÄVD’ by Finntroll


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition



  • Vaktaren

  • Att Doda Med En Sten

  • Ormfolk

  • Granars Vag

  • Forsen

  • Vid Haxans Hard

  • Myren

  • Stjarnors Mjod

  • Mask

  • Ylaren

“Vaktaren,”is the intimidating opener. The song that wraps itself around the very fibre of the listener and ensures there is no true escape.

“Att Doda Med En Sten,” shifts through the towering structures of the world, smashing into the listener and delivering a seering rendition.

“Ormfolk,” roars into the riffing abyss, with something akin to glee and downright terror haunting the pages of time.

“Granars Vag,” shifts through the tenor of the world, pushing things into a melodical counterpoint.

“Forsen,” hits hard, swaggering through.

“Vid Haxans Hard,” slams down, tearing through the rotund pathways of the mind.

“Myren,” slams and pushes, fingering through the classic world of madness.

“Stjarnors Mjod,” hits hard, a song that swaggers through pathways, ensuring the listener knows where to twist and where to turn. A song that captures the spirit of the times and hits hard.

“Mask,” is anthemic. A song that allows the listener to truly embrace the galloping rhythms of the song and gamble on the passageway through time.

“Ylaren,” slows things down only to turn the heaviness up by several notches. A song that truly captures the spirit of the times.

The album is out on 18th September via Century Media.