‘Etemen Enka’ by Dvne
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“Enuma Elis,” starts things off with a haunting melody. It soon turns the world inside out, pushing through the constraints of time and space, to produce a defining soundtrack and beginning.
“Court Of The Matriarch,” hits hard. A song that grooves and jives. It pushes through the commonalities and into the wider world.
“Omega Severer,” runs through, turning inside and out. A song that captures certain frequencies before experiencing a turning point.
“Si-XIV,” hits the turn. Grooving through a whirlwind.
“Asphodel,” burns with passion and desire. It shimmers and shakes. Bringing about an intriguing end to an intriguing cacophony.
“Satuya,” finishes things off.
The album is out on 19th March via Metal Blade Records.