‘The Beast Awakens’ by Durbin
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“The Prince of Metal,” is a flamboyant song. It veers from one critical mass to another, producing some intriguing vocal lines and melodical lines. It also captures the listener in a hook and refuses to let go.
“Into The Flames,” carries that hook and runs with it. Producing some intriguing riffage and some intriguing stories as things progress.
“The Beast Awakens,” runs the gamut, shimmering down the line and turning everything inside and out. It smashes down the doors of the world and anticipates the listener’s move.
“Necromancer,” rolls with the wind. A song that is heavy on bombast, that opening salvo is something to be proud of. It whirs through the temperament and destroys preconceived notions of time and space.
“Calling Out For Midnight,” gets the heart going. Fast and anthemic it lets loose.
“Rise To Valhalla,” goes into the darkness and lets the world know where the darkness is, and how to get to the light. A simply majestic song.
The album is out on 12th February via Frontiers Music.