“Death Is Watching You,” starts off with a haunting riff, it progresses into something heavy and dark. “Lucifer,” pounds the living shit out of the listener’s ears, and leaves a solid taste in the mouth. “Let The Death Enter,” heavy, slow moving and aggressive from the off. “Code of Silence, ” brings with it mixed melodies and darkness. “Occidere Credentes,” moves with thunder and lightning.
“Ruins of Destruction,” is a thumping monstrous song, with power and grace and energy. “Troops of Hell,” is blistering. “Born with Desires,” slows things down and then picks them up massively, moving the range throughout and destroying everything. “Echoes From the Moment of Death,” is a thunderous song. “Absence of the Sun,” slows things down and adds darkened elements.
The album is out on 22nd March via Mighty Music.