‘Ersetu’ by Devangelic


  • Paolo Chiti / Vocals

  • Marco Coghe / Drums

  • Mario Di Giambattista / Guitar

  • Alessio Pacifici / Bass


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition



  • Swarm Of Serpents

  • Upon The Wrath Of Divinities

  • Eyes of Abzu

  • Subterranean Revelations

  • Embalmed In Visceral Fluids

  • Throne Of Larvae

  • Vomiting The Infected

  • Sigils Of Fallen Abominations

  • Cryptic Resurrection

“Swarm of Serpents,”slowly moves into place. Bringing with it a sense of darkness and despair. Eventually, the heaviness takes over and the world is torn asunder.

“Upon The Wrath of Divinities,” slams down hard and brings about an interesting twist and turn.

“Eyes of Abzu,” pushes the envelop ever so slightly and ensures the listener knows just where to headbang.

“Subterranean Revelations,” snarls and bites.

“Embalmed In Visceral Fluids,” is simply put, one of the heaviest things to come out this year.

“Throne of Larvae,” snaps and crackles with energy and keeps the intensity going throughout.

“Vomiting The Infected,” snarls and slowly unleashes chaos.

“Sigils Of Fallen Abominations,” goes absolutely berserk.

“Cryptic Resurrection,” is insanely fast.

The album is out on 15th May via Willowtip Records.